
DATE - 12th to 14th January 2024
Recurve 70 meters - Rs. 200/-
Compound 50 meters - Rs. 180/-
Indian 30 meters - Rs. 150/-

Last date of registration: 8th January, 2024



Scoring Rules

• Archers score each end by summing the scores for their arrows.
• An arrow just touching a scoring boundary line, is awarded the higher score.
• During and before scoring no one is allowed to touch the arrows.After scoring, each hole is marked before arrows are retrieved.
• In the event of a "pass-through" (the arrow passes straight through the target) or "bouncer" (the arrow hits the target and bounces out), points may be awarded to an unmarked hole.
• In the case of a bouncer or hang, the archer must raise his hand and inform the judge immediately.
• If an archer accidentally shoots more arrows than allowed or he carries more no of arrows the highest 47-scoring arrow is not counted and a miss is recorded. These rules apply to all forms of target archery.

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Main Rules

1. Archers must carry their own equipment.
2. Player must take care of his/her own equipment.
3. One should properly label/mark their respective arrows and other equipment.
4. Whistle commands are used to signal the different phases of shooting or an 'end'.
5. Two whistle blasts mean archers can approach the shooting line.
6. One whistle blast means archers can begin shooting.
7. The archers are not allowed to collect their arrows whilst other archers are shooting.
8. The signal to collect your arrows is three whistles from the field captain.
9. Do not distract another archer when they are shooting. If an archer is at full draw, wait before taking your place on the shooting line.
10. An archer must not damage another archer's arrow equipment (strict action will be taken against the culprit).
11. Competition is divided into ends. An archer shoots either 3 arrows per end (Indian round (wooden)) or 6 arrows per end (compound and recurve round).
12. Archers have a set time limit in which to shoot their arrows.No extra time will be provided.
13. After each end, the competitors walk to the target to score and retrieve their arrows.
14. Event head can change the number of scoring rounds depending on -a time constraint.

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Aditya : 9356606727
Harshada : 9130197814
Anushka : 8291675754